June is the kick off of summer and with that comes Father’s Day and outdoor gatherings with friends and family as we all enjoy the warm weather of the Cowichan Valley. Does that make you want to turn on your barbe-que? Us too! So let’s talk about the meat of the subject…local meat that is!
There are lots of great reasons to choose locally raised meat products and take the mass out of the production!
Traceability. Have you ever stood in a grocery store and looked at all of the varying packages of meat products and wondered where exactly it all came from? Buying locally raised meat products means that you know exactly where it came from, maybe its even from the farm down the road from you.
Better Animal and Land Stewardship. Farmers of small scale husbandry practices on Vancouver Island take the care of their animals and environmental stewardship of their land seriously. Local farms genuinely care for the animal’s wellbeing. Drive any backroad around the Valley and you’re sure to see herds and flocks enjoying grassy pastures.
High Quality Meat Without Hormones or Antibiotics. Antibiotics are necessary in high-density-feedlots where animals are in confined spaces. Growth hormones might be required if the feedlot also demands fast turnover rates from the animals. If you don’t want these agricultural medicines in your meat, then choose local meat options. The animals are given the space and foraging grasses that allow them to grow as nature intended with a healthy immune system, not at warp speed as demanded by industrial standards.
The next time that you go shopping just remember, when you buy local meat, you’re not only feeding your family a healthier option and reducing your footprint, but you’re also keeping money in the local economy and supporting Cowichan farmers.