Sell Local Food
Please read the Seller Guidelines (see below) to see if selling on Cow-op.ca is right for you. In order to become a seller through the Cow-op.ca online marketplace, you must submit a complete application package (ALL THREE FORMS) and web listing payment prior to creating your account. You must also become a member of the Cowichan Valley Co-operative Marketplace (CVCM) to have voting rights at our AGM and take advantage of member benefits the Cowichan Valley Co-operative Marketplace (CVCM) offers, such as marketing, sales reports, staff consultation and shared resources.
Once you have read our Seller Guidelines and know the online market is the right fit for you, please sign it, fill out the Web Seller Application Form and Membership Form and submit these in person or by mail to the Market Manager at Cow-op, 360 Duncan St., Duncan, BC, V9L 3W4. Documents can also be scanned and emailed to adminsupport@cow-op.ca.
Fees may be paid by cash, cheque or e-transfer to marketmanager@cow-op.ca
After your application and payment are submitted, the market manager and board reserve the right to approve your After your application package and payment is submitted, the market manager and board reserve the right to approve your farm and/or products. Once you have received approval, you will be emailed a link to create your online account and profile. This is the account that you will use each week to upload inventory, and track and manage your orders. If you require assistance we can assist with account set-up over the phone or in person.
Ordering from the Cow-op helps to strengthen and build our community and to preserve our precious agricultural land.