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Cowichan Valley Fresh Eggs All Year Round

Cowichan Valley Fresh Eggs All Year Round

Raising chickens for their eggs, whether it be a backyard flock or a fully certified commercial egg production, has been part of the Cowichan Valley food system for as long as we can remember. It’s easy to see why; with some careful tending and thoughtful consideration to nutritional and behavioral needs, these lovely birds help provide food security to the community.

Farmer, his chicken, and eggs.

With that topic in mind, we’d love to introduce you to two small scale farms raising chickens for fresh eggs right here in the Cowichan Valley.

Lockwood Farms

Lockwood Farms, located in Cobble Hill, is a commercial organic egg producer licensed by the B.C. Egg Board. This means that the eggs and the related facilities at their farm meet strict food safety and animal welfare standards. It also means the eggs go through additional steps before being packaged.

The Lockwood Farms family on their land.

The process begins with collecting eggs and loading them on a sorting table in preparation for the candling process. In the candling booth, back-lit eggs move along on a semi-automated machine. The operator visually inspects eggs for cracks or abnormalities, any outliers are removed at that time. Then it’s time for an egg-stra special bath where eggs are carefully washed with hot water and debris is brushed off. The examined and cleaned eggs are transferred to trays or cartons and on their way to customers.

Click Online Farmers Market to learn more about Lockwood Farms and their Eco Eggs.

Lockwood Farms Eco Egg logo
Crate of Lockwood Farms Eco Eggs

Fraserfield Farm

Fraserfield Farm is a historical property located in south Cobble Hill. The farm was originally established by the Fraser family in the mid 1940’s, shortly after WW2.

Fraser Field Family

The Heugh family bought the land and re-established a small scale farm operation in 2016. Since then, the Heughs have been dedicated to bringing this historic piece of Cobble Hill history back to its farming glory. The family watches over their growing flock of free range chickens and their children help take care of daily feeding, collecting, and packing eggs in cartons destined for customers or the egg vending machine.

Fraserfield Farm Fresh Eggs
Fraserfield Farm Egg Vending Machine

Click Online Farmers Market to learn more about historic Fraserfield Farm and their fresh local offerings.

You might be surprised to learn that we have twelve Cow-op member farms that sell eggs. That means year-round availability of fresh eggs for customers. You will find many options including lovely brown and white eggs, speckled or rainbow eggs, pullet eggs (small eggs from young hens), duck eggs and even adorable little quail eggs. These are unique offerings that are not likely to be found in a store!

Cow-op is proud to support our farmers and their families in the communities of the Cowichan Valley. It’s reassuring to know that even during egg supply shortages elsewhere in the world, you can always count on Cow-op to supply you with local farm fresh eggs all year round.

Buy Local Eggs

By The Cow-op Team